Saturday, April 3, 2010

Nous Avons Arrive

Not sure about the grammar, but any way you spell it, we are here.  We are at the Peabody Hotel.  It is FABULOUS.  We are on the eleventh floor with a view of Universal Studios and a clear open view of the night sky.  The bellman said we have the perfect view of a launch- we said we have something a little better planned, but this would be really cool!

Hey, Jerky

Trip odometer 116 miles.  Just entered Peach County.  Music getting worse:  She Works Hard For The Money.  Following sign to Jimmy Carter Historic Site.

Beef Jerky is going quick.  A must for any road trip.

The Adventure Begins

Just entered Spaulding County, 66.4 miles on the trip odometer.  Just entered Butts County; that was quick!

We've been on the road for about an hour.  Lots of traffic, and we witnessed a nasty accident in Hiram, but we are fine.  Broken Bells on the radio, sunshine, lots of car activities for all of us.  Speaking of games, I am convinced this Find It game is missing a penny, smiley face, and marble.